Introduction to the NEW AGE | Einführung in das NEUE ZEITALTER
After the successful Global Peace and Transformation Summit in Geneva 2024 this June, we are happy to announce our upcoming open event. Bring your colleagues and friends and become part of a movement for establishing global peace. We are looking forward to welcome you!
Nach dem erfolgreichen Global Peace and Transformation Summit im Juni 2024 in Genf freuen wir uns, unser bevorstehendes offenes Event anzukündigen. Bring deine Freunde sowie Kolleginnen und Kollegen mit und werde Teil dieser Bewegung für den globalen Frieden. Wir freuen uns auf dich!
Nach dem erfolgreichen Global Peace and Transformation Summit im Juni 2024 in Genf freuen wir uns, unser bevorstehendes offenes Event anzukündigen. Bring deine Freunde sowie Kolleginnen und Kollegen mit und werde Teil dieser Bewegung für den globalen Frieden. Wir freuen uns auf dich!
Amine Diare Conde
Founder, Essen für alle (Food for all), Zurich I Gründer, Essen für alle, Zürich
Priv. Doz. Dr. med. Reinhard Friedl
Heart Surgeon, Intensive Care Specialist, Emergency Physician, Author, Private Medical Practice for Heart Surgery, Holistic Heart Medicine
Hossam Mahmoud
Composer, Salzburg I Komponist, Salzburg
Mitra Parn
Founding member, ISCTH, Mumbai I
Gründungsmitglied, ISCTH, Mumbai
Gründungsmitglied, ISCTH, Mumbai
Kaivalya Kashyap
President, ISCTH
Doris Slongo (Moderation)
Dr. iur., Attorney at law I
LL.M. Int. Business Law
LL.M. Int. Business Law
Voices of the Community
"[…] The summit was a convergence of remarkable individuals, each dedicated to the mission of transforming our planet, one modality at a time. Meeting so many notable figures, all united by a common goal, was truly inspiring. It reinforced my belief in the power of collective action and the immense potential we have when we come together with a shared vision.
As a representative of workplace transformation, I felt immense pride. The discussions highlighted the critical role businesses play in fostering environments that support growth, well-being, and sustainability. Together with the foundation, I am confident that we can scale these transformations on a global level, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond individual organizations.
The warmth and hospitality I experienced made me feel truly welcome. The event was not only insightful but also a testament to the power of well-orchestrated gatherings to spark meaningful dialogue and collaboration. […]"
As a representative of workplace transformation, I felt immense pride. The discussions highlighted the critical role businesses play in fostering environments that support growth, well-being, and sustainability. Together with the foundation, I am confident that we can scale these transformations on a global level, creating a ripple effect that extends far beyond individual organizations.
The warmth and hospitality I experienced made me feel truly welcome. The event was not only insightful but also a testament to the power of well-orchestrated gatherings to spark meaningful dialogue and collaboration. […]"
Will Mellors-Blair
CEO, Mindora
"What an amazing conference. I met so many likeminded people, which I appreciate very much. My thanks go to all the amazing speakers and the organizers. Can't wait for the next steps to come. I am so happy that I am part of this movement."
"Bringing peacemakers together in a safe space at the Global Peace and Transformation Summit fosters peace with others and within oneself. Safe dialogues bridge divides, empower individuals and, in unity, enable to implement transformative community-based peace initiatives."
Ignacio Packer
Executive Director, Caux Initiatives of Change Foundation
"My journey towards peace started in the aftermath of the terror attack on 9/11/2001, where I marched in a peace parade and sang, “Let there be peace on Earth, and Let it begin with me” at the open mike. Since then, I have published ten papers and four books with the central theme of breaking down barriers between opposing/conflicting forces in this world. Going alone for 23 years has ended with the invitation to the ISCTH Global Peace Summit, where I found an organization looking to support people like me, to multiply the impact of my work. It was fantastic to meet so many people with the same peaceful intention."
Shawn T. Murphy
"[…] What I took away from the summit for me personally is this insight: Every time I choose a peaceful response rather than a militant one, I am helping to advance world peace and thus the vision of ISCTH. We can all make a difference. Change begins on a small scale and in me.
The ISCTH Summit in Geneva was an impressive, groundbreaking and inspiring testimony to how different transformation and peace pioneers unite with the aim of manifesting love and peace in the world through collective action.
So let's focus on the new and wonderful that will soon be our reality. Let's unite energies together to manifest love and peace in the world."
The ISCTH Summit in Geneva was an impressive, groundbreaking and inspiring testimony to how different transformation and peace pioneers unite with the aim of manifesting love and peace in the world through collective action.
So let's focus on the new and wonderful that will soon be our reality. Let's unite energies together to manifest love and peace in the world."
Adrian Huber
Sustainability Expert
Get your FREE ticket here
Please note: Access to the event is only possible with prior registration using your full name. As hosts of this event, we reserve the right to check your identification and inspect your bags.
Bitte beachten: Einlass zur Veranstaltung ist nur nach vorheriger Registrierung mit Vor- und Nachnamen möglich.
Wir behalten uns vor, Ausweis- und Taschenkontrollen durchzuführen.
Bitte beachten: Einlass zur Veranstaltung ist nur nach vorheriger Registrierung mit Vor- und Nachnamen möglich.
Wir behalten uns vor, Ausweis- und Taschenkontrollen durchzuführen.
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